Make it a SAFE Back to School

Posted on Aug 7, 2018 by William Theodoros

For the most part, summer vacation is over, and the kids are either back in school or will return very soon.

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), accidents rise sharply during these first weeks of school.

Some of these accidents are really no one’s fault. Many are simply the fact that ‘kids are kids.” They are excited to get to school and they just fail to be cautious. Other times, they may forget to wear their helmets while riding their bikes to school.

Most of our parents taught us early on to “Look both ways before crossing the street.” As parents, we need to be sure to review the basic rules of safety with our children as school begins. It would be a good idea for parents and children to watch this excellent video produced by the NSC.

At Theodoros & Rooth, we are concerned about all accidents and injuries, especially when caused by an irresponsible, careless, or reckless driver. Around this time of year, even the most attentive driver should be extra cautious in school zones for children who may enter the roadway whether on foot, bike, or a teen driver in a car.

Some of the common mistakes drivers make are:

  • Driving too fast in a school zone.
  • Distracted driving, such as texting or using a cell phone and driving.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Not obeying the “stop signs” on school buses or from a crossing guard.

All of these actions are violations of the law and carry serious consequences for both the offender as well as innocent bystanders.

Injuries can also occur on school playgrounds, during recess, on the bus to or from school, or during sporting events.

If you or your child has been injured in any sort of accident, please contact Theodoros & Rooth immediately. With over 110 years of experience helping people who are injured by the fault of others, we will help you determine whether or not you have a case. There is never a charge for your initial consultation. Do not hesitate to call or email us.

In the meantime, have a happy and safe school year.