Medical Malpractice

Pregnancy is a lengthy and draining process for many women. Labor and delivery can put their life at risk, but mothers generally accept the possibility of injury often because they are eager to bring a new member into their family. Most mothers who have just given birth get to hold a healthy newborn as a...

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For medical professionals, the life-and-death choices associated practicing medicine are simply part of their daily work obligations. They know the risks involved in certain forms of treatment and might assume that patients won’t really have to worry about the worst-case scenario because their other patients have not experienced negative outcomes in re: a particular kind...

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Most non-emergency medical needs are addressed by family physicians and general practitioners. People with infections or mild to moderate injuries will schedule an appointment with their primary care physician for diagnosis and treatment. However, there are some medical concerns that cannot wait for the next business day. When people have reason to believe that their...

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Heart surgery is a complex medical procedure that features significant risks and potential benefits alike. When performed with skill, precision and adherence to established medical standards, it can (potentially) significantly improve a patient’s quality of life and even save their life. However, there are instances when heart surgery may result in medical malpractice, which refers...

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Medical professionals are the gatekeepers for most treatments. With the exception of over-the-counter medication for minor injuries and maladies, any significant medical care typically must come from a doctor’s recommendation. Therefore, those with serious health issues need a physician to diagnose them accurately and quickly. Sadly, doctors working in emergency rooms and urgent care facilities...

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Over 100,000 people underwent superfluous and potentially harmful medical procedures between March and December 2020. Coronary stents, a heart surgical procedure, ranked high on the list of unnecessary procedures. To operate or not to operate? Extensive research shows that this type of heart surgery offers little to no clinical benefit and can harm patients. Still, doctors...

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For certain medical issues, surgery is truly either the best option or the only viable way of treating the underlying cause of someone’s symptoms. However, there are also many patients every year who undergo surgical interventions that are not truly medically necessary. In some cases, they may undergo procedures that are risky or have lower...

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The arrival of a newborn should be a time of celebration and happiness – but for many American families, childbirth is a prelude to tragedy. According to a recent article in Fortune, the United States has the highest maternal mortality rate among all developed nations. Indeed, even as the birth rate took a sharp nosedive...

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