Scammers continue to take advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to steal money through a variety of means. The FBI is warning the health care industry in particular of an increased potential for fraudulent activity dealing with the purchase of COVID-19-related medical...
A Reputation For Care.
A Tradition Of Results.
Month: March 2020
Beware: Scammers & Coronavirus
It is our mission at Theodoros & Rooth to raise awareness to our many clients and friends with information about the current health crisis. As you know, we are in an unprecedented situation with the worldwide coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. Far too many people...
Let’s stay in touch as we work through this trying time together
Everyone at Theodoros & Rooth is closely monitoring the quickly developing Corona Virus (Covid-19) pandemic. Based upon all available information, we have created a business continuity plan that will allow us to continue to serve the needs of our clients, while...