Northwest Indiana Elder Wandering And Elopement Attorney
Put Decades Of Experience In Your Corner
Many elderly individuals in nursing homes suffer from dementia or other conditions that impair their cognitive functioning, causing them to become confused about where they are and why they are in a nursing home. When this happens, the individual in question may roam the facility’s halls and grounds, or they may even leave the premises. Doing so can put their health and safety at risk by exposing them to extreme temperatures, busy roadways or dangerous neighborhoods – especially if they are unable to remember how to return to their nursing home, become ill, or fall and get hurt. You need to have a qualified attorney by your side when filing a lawsuit alleging improper monitoring by health care professionals. With more than 110 years of combined experience protecting the rights of injured individuals, the Northwest Indiana nursing home neglect attorneys of Theodoros & Rooth, P.C., are well equipped to represent clients in cases involving wandering or elopement. Our team provides diligent service, and a lawyer or skilled staff member from our firm is always available if you have questions about the status of your case.
Take action by calling 219-733-8633 for a free, confidential consultation.
What Is The Difference Between Wandering And Elopement?
Some people use these terms interchangeably. Nursing home residents who elope from a building and nursing home residents who wander often have different motives.
- When wandering, residents do not have a specific destination in mind and may be unaware of their surroundings or personal safety.
- When eloping, residents believe they must go or do something outside the building. Such motives make them more likely to attempt to leave on a frequent basis.
Get Started On Your Case Today
Nursing home employees should be aware of a patient’s likelihood to elope or wander based on their unique care plan. When a nursing home employee fails to diligently watch over the patient prone to wandering and the patient gets hurt, the nursing home can be held liable for the employee’s negligence. A Northwest Indiana nursing home negligence lawyer from Theodoros & Rooth, P.C., can help you determine whether the actions of the nursing home professionals constitute neglect on their part.
To learn more about how we can help you during a FREE consultation, call our firm today at 219-733-8633 or email us.